Literatuur over isopods - 62

Wetenschappelijke artikelen over isopods - voornamelijk pdf-bestanden

Intersexuality In A Natural Population Of The Terrestrial Isopod Porcellio Scaber 2022
PDF – 884,8 KB 227 downloads
Immune Priming In Armadillidium Vulgare Against Salmonella Enterica Direct Or Indirect Costs On Life History Traits 2022
PDF – 1,4 MB 258 downloads
Inventory Of The Terrestrial Isopods In Belgium 2011 2020 2022
PDF – 2,1 MB 250 downloads
Natuur Atlas Zaanstad Checklist Bodemfauna Myriapoda Isopoda Van T Veer Et Al 2012 2022
PDF – 241,9 KB 219 downloads
New Findings Of Marine Peracarids Crustacea Amphipoda Isopoda In The Atlantic Ocean And The Gulf Of Mexico 2022
PDF – 769,2 KB 253 downloads
On The Successful Establishment Of The Alien Isopod Paracerceis Sculpta In Tunisian Waters Central Mediterranean Sea 2022
PDF – 1,1 MB 236 downloads
Observations Of Trachyzelotes Pedestris C L Koch 1837 Hunting For Terrestrial Isopods In Belgium 2022
PDF – 601,5 KB 245 downloads
Preface 11 Th ISTIB Facets Of Terrestrial Isopod Biology 2022
PDF – 814,0 KB 252 downloads
Phylogeny Of Terrestrial Isopods Based On The Complete Mitochondrial Genomes Subvert The Monophyly Of Oniscidea And Ligiidae Up To New Subfamily Ligiaidea Of Isopoda 2020
PDF – 749,4 KB 244 downloads
Pseudidothea Armata Sp N A New Isopod Of The Genus Pseudidothea Crustacea Malacostraca Isopoda From The Atlantic Sector Of The Southern Ocean 2022
PDF – 523,4 KB 230 downloads
Range Extension Of The Endemic Terrestrial Isopod Hawaiioscia Rapui Reveals The Dispersal Potential Of The Genus Across The South Pacific 2022
PDF – 12,6 MB 262 downloads
Redescription Of The Monotypic Micro Predatory Isopod Genera Alitropus Isopoda Cymothoida With A Taxonomic Key To The Cymothooidea Leach 1814 From India 2022
PDF – 610,2 KB 190 downloads
Revisitando Las Antiguas Localidades Del Sistema Iberico De Trichoniscoides Cavernicola Budde Lund 1885 Crustacea Isopoda Trichoniscidae Con La Descripcion De Tres Especies Nuevas Espana 2022
PDF – 10,3 MB 229 downloads
Resposta De Evitamento Do Isopode Porcellionides Pruinosus A Solos Salinizados 2022
PDF – 699,6 KB 181 downloads
Snapshot On Cave Microinvertebrates Assemblages Along The Environmental Gradient Of The Balkan Region 2022
PDF – 2,8 MB 177 downloads
Species Conservation Profiles Of Cave Adapted Terrestrial Isopods From Portugal 2022
PDF – 847,0 KB 247 downloads
Studies On The Indian Isopods Pt 2 Notes On The Oniscid Collection From The Kameng Division Of Nefa 1965
PDF – 256,0 KB 228 downloads
Study Of The Diversity Of Terrestrial Isopods In The Oasis Agrosystems Of Tunisia 2022
PDF – 2,0 MB 218 downloads
The Chelifera And Isopoda Of Washington And Adjacent Regions University Of Washington Publications 1947
PDF – 11,7 MB 245 downloads
Taxonomic Study Of Some Isopoda In Najaf Iraq
PDF – 362,5 KB 224 downloads
The Eurycope producta Sars, 1868 Species Complex (Isopoda, Munnopsidae) at the Transition of the Northern North Atlantic and the Nordic Seas—Including Descriptions of Six New Species and a Key, 2022
PDF – 32,5 MB 206 downloads
The First Bopyrid Isopod From Hydrothermal Vents Pleurocryptella Shinkai Sp Nov Isopoda Epicaridea Parasitizing Shinkaia Crosnieri Decapoda Anomura 2022
PDF – 2,1 MB 202 downloads
The Family Olibrinidae In Italy Malacostraca Isopoda Oniscidea 2022
PDF – 2,0 MB 251 downloads
The Origin Of Microscopic Spheres On The Exoskeleton Of The Woodlouse Porcellionides Pruinosus Crustacea Isopoda And Their Effect On Its Hydrophobicity 2020
PDF – 8,3 MB 206 downloads
Una Nueva Especie De Porcellio Latreille 1804 De La Region De Murcia Espana P Mazarronensis N Sp Isopoda Oniscidea Porcellionidae 2022
PDF – 6,4 MB 178 downloads